Cody the Robosapien (2013) English BRRip 720p HD
Cody the Robosapien (2013) English BRRip 720p HD
Movie Info: IMDB
Rating: 4.3/10
Director: Sean McNamara
Release Date: 28 May 2013
Genre: Adventure | Drama | Family
Stars: Kim Coates, Penelope Ann Miller, David Eigenberg
Storyline: The story begins when a scientist is working on an intelligent robot for humanitarian purposes, who discovers the company he works for is intends to use the robots for military purposes. The scientist steals one of the robots which ends up being lost and broken, then is fixed by a lonely 11-year-old boy. A robot boy and a human boy team up to save their respective parents, who are being held captive by the organization that funded the robot’s creator. The two become friends and embark on adventures while being pursued by the authorities
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