Beverly Hills Ninja (1997) [Dual Audio] [Hindi-English] DVDRip
Beverly Hills Ninja (1997) [Dual Audio] [Hindi-English] DVDRip
Ratings: 5.4/10
Genre(s): Action | Comedy
Directed by: Dennis Dugan
Released On: 17 January 1997
Star Cast: Chris Farley, Nicollette Sheridan, Robin Shou
Synopsis: Following a ship wreck, a baby is rescued by a clan of Ninja warriors and raised by them as one of their own. But Haru, as he is called, never quite fits in, nor does he manage to make a worthy Ninja. However, the good-natured and persevering Haru, in his own bumbling way, and with some help from Gobei, manages to prove himself to be a winner in the end
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