Mr and Mrs 420 (2014) Full Punjabi Movie Watch online for free
Mr and Mrs 420 (2014) Full Punjabi Movie Watch online for free
Genre(s): Comedy
Released On: 14 March 2014
Directed By: Ksshitij Chaudhary
Star Cast: Yuvraj Hans, Jassi Gill, Babbal Rai, Shruti Sodhi, Avantika Hundal, Swati Kapoor, Jaswinder Bhalla, Binnu Dhillon, Vijay Tandon, Mani Boparai, Hardeep Gill, Kuldeep Sharma
Synopsis: “Mr and Mrs 420″ is a masala potboiler which narrates a story of three friends who have a tag line “if you are my friend, I don’t need an enemy”…Teji, Gura and Pritam from three different worlds, bound by their respective Ishq, do something under the spell of Brandy that they unknowingly put their Ishq(s) at stake and what follow are rib-tickling sequences which decide their fate
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