Skyline (2010) Hindi Dubbed Movie Free Download 480p 250MB
Skyline (2010) Hindi Dubbed Movie Free Download 480p 250MB
Storyline: Jarrod and his pregnant girlfriend Elaine Terry, your old friend and successful entrepreneur and his wife Karuna to travel to Los Angeles. Terry Jarrod gives a party in your home and bring her to a job position provides. Terry’s Assistant and boyfriend Dennis (Crystal Reed) and her friend Ray (Neil Hopkins) sleeping on the couch in the living room, but the next morning at dawn, is awakened by the mysterious smile of the Group blue light. Ray stares and mysterious light is taken by force. Groups of friends try to avoid foreign invaders.
Ratings: 4.4/10
Directed by: Colin Strause
Released On: 12 November 2010
Genre(s): Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Star Cast: Eric Balfour, Donald Faison, Scottie Thompson
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