A Prayer for the Dying (1987) Dual Audio Free Download 300MB 720p
A Prayer for the Dying (1987) Dual Audio Free Download 300MB 720p
Synopsis: Martin Fallon tries to blow up the truck a detachment, which is an IRA bombers, but instead hits a bus load of schoolchildren. He loses heart and movement to leave Britain and resign and try to start a new life goes to London. IRA wants her back (she knows too much) and he’s a rival crime boss, a local crime boss, Meehan’s last hit, it would help. Fallon hit performance, he is seen by a Catholic priest. He then refuses to kill an innocent and can recognize the priesthood without killing police would find a way to escape.
Ratings: 6.4/10
Directed by: Mike Hodges
Released On: 11 September 1987
Genre(s): Action | Crime | Drama
Star Cast: Mickey Rourke, Bob Hoskins, Alan Bates
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