The Two Faces of January (2014) Download HD 720p 300MB
The Two Faces of January (2014) Download HD 720p 300MB
Synopsis: A glamorous American couple 1962, charismatic Chester MacFarland (Mortensen) and his attractive young wife collate (Dunst), Corinth Canal to arrive in Athens by boat through. Sightseeing on the Acropolis, they encounter a young (Isaac), Rydal, scamming tourists on the side, a Greek-speaking tour guides working in the us. The beauty of the collate and influenced by money and adulterate of Chester, Rydal gladly invites him for dinner accepts. It seems and Chester with genial MacFarlands exterior hides a deep secret but, as not all. The couple at their exclusive Rydal, Chester he attacked who claim that a seemingly unconscious man’s body to press him to help. At the moment, a more sinister twist Rydal agree but events as he compromised and finds himself unable to pull free. Weak and vulnerable to stress his growing infatuation with the collate and leading to a sense of envy and insecurity Chester’s …
Ratings: 6.3/10
Genre(s): Thriller
Directed by: Hossein Amini
Released On: 28 August 2014
Star Cast: Viggo Mortensen, Kirsten Dunst, Oscar Isaac
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