Jigariyaa (2014) Hindi Movie Free Download In HD 480p 200MB
Jigariyaa (2014) Hindi Movie Free Download In HD 480p 200MB
Synopsis: Inspired by true events, Jigariyaa Shyam Lal Gupta (Shaamu) and tells the story of Radhika Sharma (Raadha). Shaamu, the only son of Ramlal Gupta, halwaai a happy go lucky boy in Agra. They write their days O-sheyr couplets to praise the motley group of friends spends. Radhika, Pandit Shankar Dayal Sharma only daughter of philanthropist and a man of high reputation in Mathura it as a social helps her father in his efforts that a well educated and caring girl. Shaamu in Agra from his nanny’s House, which is the first sight, but falls in love with Raadha, thus to find the elusive girl in the streets of Agra his quest begins. They grow close to each other are fond and another twist of fate, and in addition to the two lovers broke.
Ratings: NA/10
Genre(s): Drama
Directed By: Raj Purohit
Released On: 10 October 2014
Movie Star Cast: Cherry Mardia, K.K. Raina, Harshvardhan Deo
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