Vampire Academy (2014) Hindi Dubbed Movie Free Download 480p 200MB
Vampire Academy (2014) Hindi Dubbed Movie Free Download 480p 200MB
Synopsis: Daily haithve with many others like him training at St. Vladimir’s Academy to a parent who is a dhampir, half-vampire and half-human, is. Are good and evil vampire in your world: the Moroi, peaceful manner among humans co-exist and only take blood from donors, and also one of the four elements possess the ability to control – water, Earth, fire and air; And Strigoi, drinking the blood sucking, evil vampires to kill. Protect the Moroi and dhampir, rose and other parents his education during the Strigoi are trained to kill. He is a near unbreakable bond with his best friend, Princess Vasilisa dragomir, a Moroi and rose towards the end of the line, along with Princess Lissa from the harm of desire to defend, must run away from St. Vladimir and their own means to use it.
Ratings: 5.6/10
Directed by: Mark Waters
Released On: 7 February 2014
Genre(s): Action | Comedy | Fantasy
Star Cast: Zoey Deutch, Lucy Fry, Danila Kozlovsky
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