Ultraviolet (2006) Hindi Dubbed Movie Free Download 480p 200MB
Ultraviolet (2006) Hindi Dubbed Movie Free Download 480p 200MB
Synopsis: Set in the late 21st century, a subculture of humans who enhanced speed, incredible stamina and acute intelligence, a vampire-like disease to genetically modified, and they differ from “normal” and “healthy” are set as human beings, the world “aimed at the destruction of diseased” population worldwide is pushed to the brink of civil war. The cross-fire between an infected beautiful woman-ultraviolet, he is believed to be a threat to humans as humans have been marked for death by the Government, which protects a nine-year-old boy finds that
Ratings: 4.4/10
Directed by: Kurt Wimmer
Released On: 3 March 2006
Genre(s): Action | Sci-Fi
Star Cast: Milla Jovovich, Cameron Bright, Nick Chinlund
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