Trip to Bhangarh (2014) Hindi Movie Free Download 400MB 480p
Trip to Bhangarh (2014) Hindi Movie Free Download 400MB 480p
Synopsis: Cine 5 friends two years after a long period of meet each other where a college reunion party starts with. Glory – a journalist, was a music freak in his college days, his music impressed one and all; -Fun loving and adventurous, a true College heartbeat. Jadooo – a photographer and a certified flirt with false dreams of stardom, beautiful young girls the chance to fool recalls; A Facebook addict, Ashu-a sales executive, No one else has a way with words like; Even his seniors were no match for his wisdom. Golu-loves to eat in the true sense a couch potato; His father’s company, except an occasional visit for absolutely nothing; Its double meaning jokes throughout the College humor and famous for an evil spirit. The first woman member of the Group – Kavya – a girl, is a complete tomboy at heart; Going out and believe he can beat people in the game who has a no-nonsense girl. Prachi-glory glory to a typical girl friend, she always wants to be with him, which is a very Possesive girl. Jay directs her fight always unfollow if she with him or her. ..
Released On: 22 August 2014
Directed By: Jitendra Pawar
Genre(s): Horror | Thriller | Mystery
Cast: Manish Choudhary, Suzanna Mukherjee, Rohit Chaudhury, Piyush Raina, Rachit Behl, Vikram Koccher, Vidushi Mehra, Poonam Pandey, Sudheer Rikhari
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