Knock Off (1998) Dual Audio Download 480p 200MB
Knock Off (1998) Dual Audio Download 480p 200MB
Synopsis: Running shoes like this before “Pumma” knock-offs of major labels, had been involved in a Hong Kong fashion designer (you can trust that billing if Jean-Claude Van Damme), go straight with help from his new partner tries to sneak in an investigation of the black market of a secret CIA agent who (Rob snider),। Their main product, jeans, to a representative of the American company (Lela Rochon) knock-offs, which brings Is involved in. Paul Sorvino as CIA operations in Hong Kong also appears in the head. However, he initially seems as snider, just as everyone in the movie by the end of the film, the roles switch.
Ratings: 4.7/10
Directed by: Hark Tsui
Released On: 4 September 1998
Genre(s): Action | Comedy | Thriller
Star Cast: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Rob Schneider, Lela Rochon
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