Zid (2014) Hindi Movie Download DVDSCR
Zid (2014) Hindi Movie Download DVDSCR
Synopsis:Stubbornness is a Playboy, which is about a guy and his news report goes for a Beach House and there is a girl and they meet and fell in love and this girl is very serious about the relationship, but boy is it just a passing affair he and thinks and has a sister girl and girl love herBut does he have his sister this boy and one day having a relationship with no idea that he is in an inappropriate state and now sees them tells her sister about the girl is crazy and she wants to take revenge.
Ratings: 6.4/10
Genre(s): Thriller
Released On: 28 November 2014
Directed By: Rohit Malhotra, Anubhav Sinha
Movie Star Cast: Shradha Das, Mohan Kapoor, Mannara Chopra
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