Grown Ups (2010) Hindi Dubbed Download 200MB 480p
Grown Ups (2010) Hindi Dubbed Download 200MB 480p
Synopsis: In 1978, five to 12-year-olds win a CYO Basketball Championship. Thirty years later, they used to party, where his coach on a House on a lake’s funeral and a week to gather with their families. From now on, each one with big problems and challenges are: Marcus alone and drinks too much. He turns on his next ex-wife until Rob, he rarely sees, with three daughters Always deeply in love. Eric overweight and out of work. Kurt is a househusband by wife and mother-ji srivash. Take a fashion designer married to a successful Hollywood agent; Take your kids for granted privileges. Rediscover these elders on the road connection or create this chaos can help?
Ratings: 6.0/10
Genre(s): Comedy
Directed by: Dennis Dugan
Released On: 25 June 2010
Star Cast: Adam Sandler, Salma Hayek, Kevin James
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