Star Wars: Episode I (1999) Hindi Dubbed Download HD 480p 350MB
Star Wars: Episode I (1999) Hindi Dubbed Download HD 480p 350MB
Synopsis: Nute Gunray in the evil trade Federation, led by Naboo peaceful is planning to take over the world. Jedi Knights leaders sent to Genie and Obi-Wan Kenobi kvi-Haller. But not everything goes to plan. The two Jedi escape, and their new Gungan friend to jar jar Binks Naboo with Queen Amidala, head to warn, but droids have already started to capture Naboo and the Queen is not safe there. After all, They are known as Anakin Skywalker, a young boy become friends with land on Tatooine, where. Kvi-Haller is curious about the boy, and sees a bright future for him. The group is now getting to Coruscant and to resolve the trade dispute in the end find a way to hide in the shadows, but someone else. Sith are actually extinct? The Queen is what says, really? And what is so special about the young boy?
Ratings: 6.6/10
Released On: 19 May 1999
Directed by: George Lucas
Genre(s): Action | Adventure | Fantasy
Star Cast: Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman
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