The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978) Hindi Dubbed 250MB
The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978) Hindi Dubbed 250MB
Synopsis: Anti-Ching Kuang-Han’s guidance, the Patriot, secretly disguised as driven by the school’s owner, with his base is established. During the Manchu invasion, a cruel Louis manages to escape and revenge in order to learn martial arts provides itself. Long swords, sticks, and weapons such as lances with he owner his fists, feet and palms of deadly use, in a short period of. His studies completed, she moves to the Manchus.
Ratings: 7.8/10
Released in: June 1979
Directed by: Chia-Liang Liu
Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Drama
Star Cast: Chia-Hui Liu, Lieh Lo, Chia Yung Liu
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