Blackhat (2015) Hindi Dubbed Download HD 480p 200MB
Blackhat (2015) Hindi Dubbed Download HD 480p 200MB
Synopsis: He once wrote during his youth, parts of a computer code in a factory in China to start a terrorist attack appears in a malware when Nick haithve, wandering, which is an extremely talented hacker, a 15-year prison sentence is out of your way. This opportunity will reunite him with an old friend, but whose identity he said he wants to keep their freedom and their lives to find a hardcore villain hackers as well as American and Chinese Government’s power will put him in the middle of the game.
Ratings: 5.4/10
Directed by: Michael Mann
Released On: 16 January 2015
Genre(s): Action, Crime, Drama
Star Cast: Chris Hemsworth, Viola Davis, Wei Tang
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