Warm Bodies (2013) Hindi Dubbed HD 480p 400MB
Warm Bodies (2013) Hindi Dubbed HD 480p 400MB
Synopsis: With much of the world’s population is now a dead crowd, research is a young and oddly atmavishleshi zombie. Fighting with and feeding on a human scavenger party, while r-Julie meets and feels the urge to save. What happens next r to resume his humanity to the beginning of a strange warm relationship. These changes like a virus spreads through local dead population, Julie and ultimately the nature of their friendship is challenged when faced by a big issue. A mutual threat, Research and Julie no one thought possible to fight for a better world to bridge the differences of each side must find a way to make that crazy human forces and brutal “Bonies”, caught between zombies.
Ratings: 6.9/10
Directed by: Jonathan Levine
Released On: 1 February 2013
Genre(s): Comedy, Horror, Romance
Star Cast: Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich
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