Freddy vs Jason (2003) Dual Audio BRRip 720P
Freddy vs Jason (2003) Dual Audio BRRip 720P
Rating: 5.7/10
Director: Ronny Yu
Release Date: 15 August 2003
Genre: Action | Crime | Horror
Stars: Robert Englund, Ken Kirzinger, Monica Keena
Storyline: It’s been nearly ten years since Freddy Krueger terrorized people in the dreams, and the towns folk want to keep him erased from their memory. Freddy still has one more plan on getting back to Elm Street. He resurrects Jason Voorhees and sends him off to kill. The more bodies which fall to the ground, the stronger in which Freddy becomes. This is until, Freddy realizes that Jason isn’t going to step aside easily, and must be taken down himself.
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