Anonymous (2011) Dual Audio BRRip 720P
Anonymous (2011) Dual Audio BRRip 720P
Rating: 6.8/10
Director: Roland Emmerich
Release Date: 2 December 2011
Genre: Drama | History | Thriller
Stars: Rhys Ifans, Vanessa Redgrave, David Thewlis
Plot: Edward De Vere, Earl of Oxford, is presented as the real author of Shakespeare’s works. Edward’s life is followed through flashbacks from a young child, through to the end of his life. He is portrayed as a child prodigy who writes and performs A Midsummer Night’s Dream for a young Elizabeth I. A series of events sees his plays being performed by a frontman, Shakespeare.
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||Download This Movie Via Resumable Splitted Parts Size: 124Mb||
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Zippyshare: Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3 | Part-4 | Part-5 | Part-6 | Part-7
Sendspace: Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3 | Part-4 | Part-5 | Part-6 | Part-7
Uploadbaz: Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3 | Part-4 | Part-5 | Part-6 | Part-7
Hugefiles: Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3 | Part-4 | Part-5 | Part-6 | Part-7
Almmyz: Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3 | Part-4 | Part-5 | Part-6 | Part-7
Upafile: Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3 | Part-4 | Part-5 | Part-6 | Part-7
Hipfile: Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3 | Part-4 | Part-5 | Part-6 | Part-7
Uppit: Part-1 | Part-2 | Part-3 | Part-4 | Part-5 | Part-6 | Part-7
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