Aftermath (2012) English Movie Free Download 720p 300MB
Aftermath (2012) English Movie Free Download 720p 300MB
Synopsis: A tale of terror unimaginable disaster and searching for a happy ending, in a rural Texas farmhouse cellar himself nine strangers together are hidden. United States of America a young doctor named Hunter haste nuclear attack leaves 3 embroiled in World War I and Elizabeth, Hunter, Brad is a strong-willed and fearful victims injured, including confidant with a group thrown together by happenstance — an anti-redhead ass, and suffer from severe shock after Jennifer, the only consistent tense young woman. Together, He struggles with claustrophobia and conflicting personality as self-destructive attempts to endure judgement. Hunger, radiation sickness, and fending off a horde of refugees died and while a temporary refuge, Hunter and then wait for news from the dying partner.
Ratings: 4.8/10
Released On: 2012
Directed by: Peter Engert
Genre(s): Action | Thriller
Star Cast: Edward Furlong, Monica Keena, William Baldwin
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