Alex Pandian (2013) Hindi Dubbed Movie Watch Online
Alex Pandian (2013) Hindi Dubbed Movie Watch Online
Rating: 2.1/10
Genre(s): Action
Directed By: Suraj
Released On: 11 January 2013
Movie Star Cast: Karthi, Anushka Shetty, Santhanam
Synopsis: The film’s hare-brained plot involves a petty criminal Alex Pandian (Karthi) who abducts the Chief Minister’s daughter (Anushka) for a coterie of bad men consisting of an NRI businessman (Milind Soman) who wants to import some banned antibiotics from US, a rich doctor (Suman), a Godman ( Mahadevan), the Chief Secretary (Pratap Pothen) and City Police Commissioner! How our hero as a one-man-army thwarts the operation is the story
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Huge: part-1 | part-2 | part-3 | part-4 | part-5 | part-6
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