Annie (2014) Download English Movie HD 480p 150MB
Annie (2014) Download English Movie HD 480p 150MB
Synopsis: Academy Award ® nominee Quvenzhané Wallis (Southern wild animals) Annie, also originally as a child his parents left by 2014 in the streets of New York to make his way is hard enough that a young, happy stars foster as they get him back someday to promise that, Her foster mom Miss henning (Cameron diyaz) means with a hard knock life ever been. But everything is hard nosed Tycoon and New York mayoral candidate will stack (Jamie) when changing your great Vice President, Grace (rose burn) and his shrewd and scheming campaign consultant, boy (Bobby Cannavale) has advised-a move the campaign thinly-veiled and heap makes her guardian angel keeps make-believe. Takes him in, but Annie bright, sunny nature and convinced themselves-come-out yesterday’s Outlook on life just doesn’t mean it the other way around can be.
Ratings: 5.0/10
Directed by: Will Gluck
Released On: 19 December 2014
Genre(s): Comedy | Drama | Family
Star Cast: Quvenzhané Wallis, Cameron Diaz, Jamie Foxx
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