The Art of War 3: Retribution (2009) Hindi Dubbed Free Download HD 480p 200MB
The Art of War 3: Retribution (2009) Hindi Dubbed Free Download HD 480p 200MB
Synopsis: International diplomacy is less when should extreme steps. In the latest installment of the art of war, agent Neil Shaw (Treach) North Korea from acquiring a nuclear bomb to stop terrorists is on a secret mission. Deal killer but when Shaw is a pretty facilitator (Sung Hi Lee) to prepare for firing in the killing ends. Now only her newbie partner and its side wanted man, with a mysterious feature Shaw through the narrow streets of Korea to fight and a United Nations peace summit to find terrorists before bombing their martial arts skills and warrior code should rely on.
Ratings: 2.5/10
Directed by: Gerry Lively
Genre(s): Action | Thriller
Released On: 26 August 2009
Star Cast: Anthony ‘Treach’ Criss, Warren Derosa, Sung Hi Lee
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