Beneath the Harvest Sky (2013) English Movie Free Download 720p 200MB
Beneath the Harvest Sky (2013) English Movie Free Download 720p 200MB
Synopsis: They cultivate a small town in Maine, as coming of age in each other are two fiercely loyal best friend-Casper (Emory Cohen) and Dominic (Callan McAuliffe) story. Crop during the break, Casper his outlaw father, Clayton (edan gilen) with Canada’s cross-border trafficking in drugs is drawn. Meanwhile, Dominic is to buy a car and take them away toward a better future needs is expecting to make money, his last potato crop works. They mature and always will change the course of your life that many adults are forced to decide but as Casper’s life unraveling in front of their eyes, with their friendship and loyalty are put to the test.
Ratings: 6.3/10
Genre(s): Drama
Released On: 18 April 2014
Directed by: Aron Gaudet, Gita Pullapilly
Star Cast: Emory Cohen, Callan McAuliffe, Kymberli Bryant
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