Big Game (2015) Hindi Dubbed 400MB Download 480p
Big Game (2015) Hindi Dubbed 400MB Download 480p
Synopsis: Oskari a 13-year-old boy caught in the Woods-United States air force one us President has been killed by the militants to leave, when it can be avoided, around which there is only one person. His kinsman to prove their maturity in the wild on a hunting mission, Oskari a deer is planning to track down, but instead an escape pod in the most powerful man on the planet was to discover. Terrorists in his “big game” award, with the closing of capturing The unlikely duo must team to avoid their predators. Curious Pentagon officials observe the action via satellite feed, this President and his new side kick to prove himself and his life’s most extraordinary 24 hours depend on to survive.
Ratings: 5.9/10
Released On: 26 June 2015
Genre(s): Action, Adventure
Directed by: Jalmari Helander
Star Cast: Samuel L. Jackson, Onni Tommila, Ray Stevenson
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