Bombay Talkie (1970) English Movie Free Download 720p 250MB
Bombay Talkie (1970) English Movie Free Download 720p 250MB
Synopsis: Lucia Lane, America’s way is an English writer, one of her novels comes to Bombay to see shooting. He is nearing middle age, she is alone and he absorbed, many husbands had. Hari, a scriptwriter, offers to show him around. She only married the head of the short film, person, Vikram, interest in, and a build a career as a matinee idol. Lucia demanded my attentions, creating scenes in front of his wife “v” takes the opportunity to pass. Hari, Long suffering from the case is out of hand when helping her out, carrying messages v Lucia. Meanwhile, with unpleasant results, v’s career suffers. Who will bring things to a halt?
Ratings: 5.6/10
Released On: 3 May 1970
Directed By: James Ivory
Genre(s): Drama | Musical | Romance
Movie Star Cast: Shashi Kapoor, Jennifer Kendal, Zia Mohyeddin
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