Corridors (2014) Hindi Movie Free Download In HD 480p 250MB
Corridors (2014) Hindi Movie Free Download In HD 480p 250MB
Synopsis: Chhotanagpur forests located between a large College campus is a dark history of 60 years. The campus is always closed and long holidays off. Once were very good friends, which although a summer four students live on campus, back to the deserted. The unlikely reunion one of them disappears when it turns into a nightmare. They dig deeper, they appeared to save my friend. apart and treacherous campus and its horrific past through, but it also has its own mind and memories through the corridors will not only realize travel.
Directed By: Vivek Kumar
Genre(s): Horror | Drama
Released in: 15 October 2014
Movie Star Cast: Sajal Kumar, Raskesh Roshan, Dhanendra Kawade, Vivek Kumar
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