Daawat-e-Ishq (2014) Hindi Movie Free Download 720p 200MB
Daawat-e-Ishq (2014) Hindi Movie Free Download 720p 200MB
Synopsis: Galleries with a deliciously romantic “gallo” Qadir bagged (pariniti Chopra) because the dowry demand men love her encounters with disillusioned with one to get the shoe sales girl to come; And Tariq “Taru” Haider (Aditya Roy Kapoor) is a cook who can flavor their Lucknawi biryani and kebab flavors of fascination with anyone. Daawat-Hyderabad and Lucknow, is quite the opposite of gallo and Taru but equally spicy cultures in their own traditional recipes of love rangreli pichchar albula masaledaar, rewrite, make old fashioned world vision crush and arrive in a “tuning-settings”-e-ishq.
Ratings: 6.4/10
Directed By: Habib Faisal
Released On: 19 September 2014
Genre(s): Comedy | Drama | Romance
Movie Star Cast: Aditya Roy Kapoor, Parineeti Chopra, Anupam Kher
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