Fugly (2014) Hindi Movie Free Download In HD 480p 200MB
Fugly (2014) Hindi Movie Free Download In HD 480p 200MB
Synopsis: Dev, Gaurav, Aditya and goddess – this is the story of four friends. The cast is young and fresh. College is just about finished, but has yet to be set career path-they are on the cusp of his life. These we all went through, and still cherish the fact that are the last few days of freedom. They all have dreams and expectations from life, but he says-will they joke but limits-these friends would never cross, are honest man God disposes, Offer. Their fun-filled and they have a highly corrupt and seemingly fearless police officers are faced with when to stop a free life, comes the casual care. It will test their friendship and characters which puts into motion a series of events-becomes their life “fugly”.
Ratings: 4.7/10
Released On: 13 June 2014
Genre(s): Drama | Thriller
Directed By: Kabir Sadanand
Movie Star Cast: Jimmy Shergill, Mohit Marwah, Kiara Advani
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