Be happy bindaas 2008 hindi movie
Be happy bindaas 2008 hindi movie
Directed By: D.Rajendra Babu
Released On: 15 February 2008
Genre(s): Action | Comedy | Romance
Movie Star Cast: Puneet Rajkumar, Hansika Motwani, Nassar, Komal Kumar
Synopsis: Shivu (Puneet Rajkumar) does pickpocket and sells cinema tickets in the black. He is totally flat to the beauty of Preethi (Hansika). Be happy no BP is the Mantra of Shivu. After initial hate-love meetings Shivu decides to ascertain the feel in the mind of Preethi. He hands over a cover and says she will definitely open it to know the contents. Preethi says it is impossible. The next day Preethi hands over the letter to Shivu and says she has won. No you have lost says Shivu. It is because she could not read the lovely contents in the letter he says. By slip of the tongue Preethi says no there was nothing in the letter. That is true because Shivu had inserted only blank sheet in the cover. The final test in love Shivu wins and Preethi this time is absolutely in love with Shivu for his intelligence.
Preethi daughter of ACP Vikram Rathod (Nazar) wants the way to be cleared. But Shivu wants a job before his marriage. At this time ACP knows that his daughter in love with petty thief Shivu and give him the post of police informer. At this time ACP says he will clear the way for his marriage with Preethi. Now Shivu a police informer goes in to the den of dons. He wants to catch Saleem the terrorist who has been responsible of blasting of three important buildings.
The mission of Shivu is complete but the ACP deceives him. The frustrated Shivu takes law in to his own hand in clearing his decks for joining Preethi
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