Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) Dual Audio Download 200MB 480p
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) Dual Audio Download 200MB 480p
Synopsis: Losing streaks on three friends: whose girlfriend left him, Nick, a dead-end job and a wife cheating with Adam, and Lo, a suicidal alcoholic. Take Adam’s nephew Jacob with car-exhaust poisoning, Adam and Nick, to help overcome their old party place that go to a winter resort. Now it’s a dump, but the boys hot tub drinking for a night of the rally. Somehow, Hot tub each of them to an unfortunate night moves them back to 1986. Everything they did at night that they may have to the same way if Jacobs could be born, so they will be able to get back in the future. Differently are serious temptations to do things. They will return to their sorry life? And what about Jacob?
Ratings: 6.5/10
Directed by: Steve Pink
Released On: 26 March 2010
Genre(s): Adventure | Comedy | Sci-Fi
Star Cast: John Cusack, Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson
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