I (AI) (2015) DVDRip Dual Audio Download HD 720p 150MB
I (AI) (2015) DVDRip Dual Audio Download HD 720p 150MB
Synopsis: A top-shot model Diya (Amy Jackson) Mr. Tamil Nadu Lingesan (Vikram) love, and together they wanted most in the country become a model couple. Lingesan gave him big in the world of advertising breaks, a wealthy merchant (Ramkumar), an ad is rejected, he plans to take revenge against him. Now, he’s a greedy model (upen Patel) is connected to, who are outside, lusty doctor (Suresh Gopi) and a cross-gender stylist is worse than death, which is Lingesan for the life of the massive damage. The rest of the story in powerful Lingesan society takes revenge against the people.
Ratings: 8.2/10
Directed by: S. Shankar
Released On: 14 January 2015
Genre(s): Action | Fantasy | Romance
Star Cast:‘Chiyaan’ Vikram, Amy Jackson, Suresh Gopi
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