Khumba (2013) Hindi Dubbed Free Download 150MB 480p
Khumba (2013) Hindi Dubbed Free Download 150MB 480p
Synopsis: A half striped zebra stripes drove an insular, obsessed with is different. Weird colt, cursed and spread rumors that before long, it is set in great cairo blamed for the drought. Even his father, the leader of the herd, after a lack of rain and his mother blames him for the death, exiled from his home when the Zebra of all stripes can no longer survive in the bunch, without Knowing that leaves. Khumba venture beyond the fence-controls the waterholes and terrorizes the cruel animals in Leopard, great cairo Phango, in the grip of. A aiiki deer and an ostrich: Khumba is a quirky duo is saved from an opportunistic wild dog. Like other uncles v aiiki deer average stay-at-home mom, do not want to be, which is a self confessed free spirit. The irony is that he overcompensates for his mothers Bradley, scraggily wings which is a bright but insecure ostrich. A mysterious Mantis could be drawing a map, Colt appears to. ..
Ratings: 6.0/10
Released On: 25 October 2013
Directed by: Anthony Silverston
Genre(s): Animation | Adventure | Family
Star Cast: Jake T. Austin, Liam Neeson, Steve Buscemi
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