Khwaabb (2014) Hindi Movie Download In HD 720p 300MB
Khwaabb (2014) Hindi Movie Download In HD 720p 300MB
Storyline: Birth of a dream, ambition and Khwaab continued Tribulation beach to achieve that dream is a story about the fierce passion. The intense personal journey in the world of big, bureaucratic India at that time. 1.2 billion people populated the country cannot produce medalist athletes why it shows. How the sheer, raw talent wasted by corrupt politicians and power-hungry bureaucrats or is destroyed. One of such Indian sports athletes and Khwaab centralize the story of her struggle to succeed in, lustful and mired world.
Ratings: 4.8/10
Released On: 9 May 2014
Directed By: Zaid Ali Khan
Genre(s): Drama | Romance | Sport
Movie Star Cast: Nafisa Ali, Simer Motiani, Bajrangbali Singh
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