Maps to the Stars (2014) English Movie Free Download 480p 350MB
Maps to the Stars (2014) English Movie Free Download 480p 350MB
Storyline: Ways is the archetypical Hollywood dynasty family: father stafford his self-help manuals has made a Fortune with an analyst and trainer, is; Mother Christina their son Benjie, 13, a child performer’s career is looking after. Stafford’s customers, Havana, one of his mother, charles, a star in the ‘ 60s that made the dream of shooting the film remake, which is an actress. Charles is dead now and then dream about, Benjie only 9 and his sister, Agatha was when he joined a rehabilitation program has been coming off the toxic mixture is folded. Come to Havana at night disturbing, recently was released from a hospital where he was treated and even criminal pyromania is an aspiring actor who was a limo driver Jerome friendship.
Ratings: 6.5/10
Genre(s): Drama
Released On: 19 May 2014
Directed by: David Cronenberg
Star Cast: Julianne Moore, Mia Wasikowska, Robert Pattinson
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