Mirror Mirror (2012) 300MB BRRip 480p Dual Audio
Mirror Mirror (2012) 300MB BRRip 480p Dual Audio
Movie Info: IMDB
Rating: 6.3/10
Director: James McTeigue
Release Date: 27 April 2012
Genre: Crime | Mystery | Thriller
Stars: John Cusack, Alice Eve, Luke Evans
Storyline: This movie is set in the mid 1800s and involves poet Edgar Allan Poe. A serial killer is on the loose and murdering people using Poe’s descriptions from his published stories and poems. Poe teams up with Detective Fields, a Baltimore policeman to try and catch the killer by using his knowledge of the descriptions. Even though the stories are fictional, they start to become reality and the killer is a step ahead of them. Then it takes on a personal note as Poe’s lover becomes a target. Will they stop the killer in time?
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Rar Format: Filesbomb | Upafile | Nowdown | Albafile | Epic
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Uppit Parts: part-1 | part-2 | part-3 | part-4 | part-5
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