Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (2005) Hindi Dubbed Movie Free Download 250MB
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (2005) Hindi Dubbed Movie Free Download 250MB
Synopsis: Because she’s Miss United States of America gained notoriety from the spectacle, a secret FBI agent as gracy heart’s life is over. In addition, agent Eric Matthews took the well which broke up their relationship. Director Harry McDonald, his boss at Begrudgingly advice gracy decided to become FBI media liaison officer. Ten months later style coach Joel Myers aid and about his experience behind him, with a best-selling book dressed in a designer gracy media darling and the FBI was created becomes the face of. New gracy agent Sam fuller, prior to her pageant experience like gracy, have deep seated anger issues, that of a woman is the exact opposite. The two do not get along, but that’s to be the bodyguard of Sam gracy does not stop McDonald’s from telling. The reigning Miss United States of America Cheryl gracy phrezier friends, and long Miss United States America Pageant host Stan fields are hijacking when the two are sent to Las Vegas. The FBI’s Las Vegas field office in …
Ratings: 4.9/10
Directed by: John Pasquin
Released On: 24 March 2005
Genre(s): Action | Comedy | Crime
Star Cast: Sandra Bullock, Regina King, William Shatner
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