Murder at 1600 (1997) Dual Audio 720P watch online
Murder at 1600 (1997) Dual Audio 720P watch online
Synopsis: A 25-year-old female White House staff, Carla town is murdered in the White House. DC homicide Detective Regis weighed all the evidence by the secret service to find assigned to investigate. After a suspected cover-up, Regis exposes cover-up to help the secret service agent Nina chance forbidden. Her murder within an hour was having sex with Carla, as the President’s son, Kelly Neal, One is the prime suspect. Investigation of North Korea President Jack Neil 23 u.s. military personnel hostage about meetings with top military personnel making ensues. Leading up to the murder evidence Regis Spikings returns home with shortly after his home in top secret service agent Spikings face. Home is attacked and killed Spikings, but survives with the help of outside agent Regis chocolate peanut sweeties makes it, and evidence with tape. White House advisers say his son Jordan he killed President Carla and presented false evidence to the forces that the President does …
Ratings: 6.0/10
Released On: 18 April 1997
Directed by: Dwight H. Little
Genre(s): Action, Crime, Drama
Star Cast: Wesley Snipes, Diane Lane, Daniel Benzali
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