Nightcrawler (2014) 250MB Download 480p
Nightcrawler (2014) 250MB Download 480p
Synopsis: Nightcrawler contemporary Los Angeles is a thriller set in the underbelly of the night. Jake Gyllenhaal take bloom, La crime shows the high speed world of journalism, desperate for a driven young man who work as stars. Every police siren wail is a possible windfall profits and the victims are transformed into dollars and cents, where-in the realm of copycats nightcrawling, hazardous accidents, fire, murder and other mayhem, Lu is a group of independent film which muscles find camera crews. Nina, Local TV news is that as a veteran of the game blood-Rene ruso have their own story, aided by stardom for the line between observer and participant blurs.
Ratings: 8.1/10
Directed by: Dan Gilroy
Released On: 31 October 2014
Genre(s): Crime | Drama | Thriller
Star Cast: Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Bill Paxton
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