Policewala Gunda 2 (Jilla) Hindi Movie Free Download 480p 250MB
Policewala Gunda 2 (Jilla) Hindi Movie Free Download 480p 250MB
Synopsis: Sivan (Mohanlal) Madurai a well respected Don. Its driver a rowdy soldiers, including some enemies, was killed in a dispute with the son of the driver as his own strength (victory) takes. Khaki uniform of the police force and any other fabrics with a vengeful hatred grows. Even his last lover (mascara) start toward hate, but then seeing his good side, but turn the tables on her father’s illegal Sivan uniform to wear her lust when it is. How power is associated with his father, and the crux of an unknown attacker story forms.
Ratings: 6.4/10
Directed By: R.T. Neason
Released On: 10 January 2014
Genre(s): Action | Drama | Thriller
Movie Star Cast: Mohanlal, Vijay, Kajal Agarwal
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