Pride (2014) Download HD 400MB 480p In English
Pride (2014) Download HD 400MB 480p In English
Synopsis: In 1984, 20-year-old closet homosexual who shied away from his first gay pride March in London to Bromley and flamboyant Jonathan and his Welsh mates who meet at the SOHO Bookstore Gethin gay men and lesbian Steph, a group of mass is placed at the bottom of the wings. Being threatened by gays Thatcher But miners in the pit closures and Mark Ashton should show solidarity and miners gays believe that Northern Ireland’s workers are not on strike in response. A mini-bus full of homosexuals by accident Dulais Valley in Welsh village of Onllwyn and honest to find themselves through fund raising and Jonathan nifty disco moves that they are on the same side of the community to celebrate. Most of the villagers a dharmandh mark, now well in tune with his gay friend’s turn, What a blockbuster benefit concert is back on stage with a newspaper attempts to sabotage the partnership with. Miners beat up and working, but are to return to the pride March.
Ratings: 7.9/10
Genre(s): Comedy | Drama
Directed by: Matthew Warchus
Released On: 12 September 2014
Star Cast: Bill Nighy, Imelda Staunton, Dominic West
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