The Princess Diaries (2001) Dual Audio Download HD 480p 400MB
The Princess Diaries (2001) Dual Audio Download HD 480p 400MB
Synopsis: Sweet, a little geeky and her mom, best friend Lily and Lily’s elder brother Michael with the exception of everyone pretty much invisible-MIA thermopolis is the average teenager. Throw up without making it through high school Mia is a challenge in itself for So her estranged grandmother shows up out of the blue when it comes as welcome news and heir to the throne of peace he is actually show a European country Genovia. Suddenly MIA’s life is put into complete overload. He was to become a perfect Princess scarves, waves and being taught about PEAR He called a turnaround and a tough-looking yet sweet bodyguard/Limo driver gets. Media Gets a hold of the story and suddenly MIA both in newspapers and in school is thrust into the spotlight when things get out of hand. All on top of that is an alternative to make MIA. Its claim to the throne, or wants to give, whether it’s Genovia’s independence day ball must decide … more
Ratings: 6.1/10
Released On: 3 August 2001
Directed by: Garry Marshall
Genre(s): Comedy | Family | Romance
Star Cast: Julie Andrews, Anne Hathaway, Hector Elizondo
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