The Quick and the Dead (1995) Dual Audio BRRip 720P
The Quick and the Dead (1995) Dual Audio BRRip 720P
Director: Sam Raimi
Release Date: 10 February 1995
Genre: Action | Thriller | Western
Stars: Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman and Russell Crowe
Storyline: Ellen, an unknown female gunslinger rides into a small, dingy and depressing prairie town with a secret as to her reason for showing up. Shortly after her arrival, a local preacher, Cort, is thrown through the saloon doors while townfolk are signing up for a gun competition. The pot is a huge sum of money and the only rule: that you follow the rules of the man that set up the contest, Herod. Herod is also the owner, leader, and “ruler” of the town. Seems he’s arranged this little gun-show-off so that the preacher (who use to be an outlaw and rode with Herod) will have to fight again. Cort refuses to ever use a gun to kill again and Herod, acknowledging Cort as one of the best, is determined to alter this line of thinking … even if it gets someone killed
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