Roar: Tigers of the Sundarbans (2014) Free Download HD 480p 300MB
Roar: Tigers of the Sundarbans (2014) Free Download HD 480p 300MB
Synopsis: In the forests of the Sundarbans on the rise, a young photo-journalist ensnared in the net of a predators protects a White Tiger Cubs and he is based in a small settlement brings to the Cub. Soon, panic set in among the villagers. Villagers in order to bring back calm, forest warden cub takes off. Royal Bengal Tigress for her cub enters the village at night. The shavkon selects the smell of blood reaches the hut and photographers. He fails to get back to the Cubs, His instinct for revenge kidnapping takes him. She unleashes her anger on the rise, kills, and with his body disappears. Pandit enters; Comes to the sunderbans, which is a special commando team captain, his brother Udays to claim the body. The villagers clashed with the park warden from silent answers leads to Pandit. He declares the case closed and callously and forest ecological threats are very complex as to fix a party body Udays send refused. Angry and emotional, Pundits talk decided to tackle it myself. He has his own crack commando team and they have a known Tracker, with the help of a local guide attached jhumpa honey says, and capture and kill a white Tigress captured make or break set off on a mission. Discover the dark side they only hear about things in the old folklore to see where in the swampy sunderbans is the Citadel. Still sharp and intelligent, white Tigress captured not only eludes them all the time but it also manipulates them in the field. Adding to their plight, A villainous predator Bheera opportunity to serve their own interests consciously. He said plans to trap the bait to catch your prize, Royal Bengal white Tigress left to use a plan. But they are going to be hunting the Hunter soon find out.
Ratings: 7.4/10
Released On: 31 October 2014
Genre(s): Action | Adventure | Thriller
Directed By: Kamal Sadanah, Rajjab Ali Jaffri
Movie Star Cast: Aadil Chahal, Aaran Chaudhary, Pranay Dixit
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