Seeking Justice (2011) Dual Audio 1080p Blu Ray Watch Online For Free
Seeking Justice (2011) Dual Audio 1080p Blu Ray Watch Online For Free
Storyline:In New Orleans, will the rain high school Fort wall Gerard, and his wife, musician Laura Gerard English teachers are in love with each other. One night, Laura leaves and a rehearsal will be playing chess with his friend, Jimmy is attacked. Out of the blue, Simon’s name to eliminate the invading a stranger vigilantes and belongs to an organization of motion tells him that when visiting him in the hospital. In return, the Organization in the future will want a party. Will agrees, and criminal homicide. Six months later, Simon will collect your debt. He said Alan Marsh, a pidophail hit demand. Accidentally kills Allan and soon he was investigating the victim organization did a reputable journalist learns. Now he wants to prove his innocence but organization’s network is powerful evidence and her willingness to explore.
Director: Roger Donaldson
Release Date: 2 September 2011
Genre: Action | Drama | Thriller
Stars: Nicolas Cage, January Jones, Guy Pearce
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