Shamitabh (2015) Hindi Movie 720p Download 250MB
Shamitabh (2015) Hindi Movie 720p Download 250MB
Synopsis: It’s two different people different talent shows and they become one when the above mixture hit a huge industry measures where this film is a very unique plot revolves around. But in the meantime, The ego get in the way and ready to shatter into pieces makes the bonds. Bow great acting talent with a mute and deaf junior artist. Amitabh is a very impressive voice. Both in the film industry on its own cannot achieve any greatness. They come together, but when a third party (Aksara Hassan) to help build a complete new artists, United talent. Bow is on the screen and the actor Amitabh becomes his voice. But after reaching the pinnacle of success, Leads to more unique cocktail importance both to the question started to become unhappy. The ego comes into action and battle an unstoppable percussion they gained all the greatness and together they can build to destroy every possible milestones, drifts them apart.
Ratings: 7.3/10
Directed By: R. Balki
Released On: 6 February 2015
Genre(s): Comedy | Drama | Thriller
Movie Star Cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Dhanush, Akshara
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