Sulemani Keeda (2014) Hindi Dubbed Download 200MB 480p
Sulemani Keeda (2014) Hindi Dubbed Download 200MB 480p
Synopsis: In their simple script about two Bollywood, “suleyman worm” becho is a Bromantic comedy writers who are struggling. Perenially hungry and horny, they in bookshops hit on unsuspecting girls, drinks lies and they read the verses where the poem in porn. He wants to make a movie inspired by Tarkovski, a wannabe auteur, Gonzo Kapoor meet when things look bright. Gonzo to come up with a great idea gives them three days. One of them is going to India in three days, Who falls in love with a bohemian photographer, when he said he does not believe a film co-write or he fell in love with the girl to entice is faced with a choice-do.
Ratings 7.6/10
Directed By: Amit Masurkar
Genre(s): Comedy | Romance
Released On: 5 December 2014
Movie Star Cast: Naveen Kasturia, Mayank Tewari, Aditi Vasudev
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