Swimming Pool (2003) Movie In Hindi Dubbed Free Download 720p 250MB
Swimming Pool (2003) Movie In Hindi Dubbed Free Download 720p 250MB
Synopsis: A famous British mystery writer Sarah mortan. Tired of London and sought inspiration for his new novel, in the South of France to live at their home in the Luberon Publisher accepts an offer from John Bosload. This off-season, and all the lovely country locale and unhurried jaunt finds it just for speed tonic until late night, John Mandarin and insouciant French daughter Julie unexpectedly arrives. Sara clean and steely English reserve Julie’s reckless, sexually charged lifestyle jarred. Their conversation, as all the creative process One of an increasingly disturbing series of events and a possible real-life murder begin with a dangerous mix.
Ratings: 6.8/10
Genre(s): Thriller
Released On: 21 May 2003
Directed by: François Ozon
Star Cast: Charlotte Rampling, Charles Dance, Ludivine Sagnier
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