Trespass (2011) Dual Audio BRRip HD
Trespass (2011) Dual Audio BRRip HD
Movie Info: IMDB
Rating: 5.2/10
Director: Joel Schumacher
Release Date: 21 October 2011
Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
Stars: Nicolas Cage, Nicole Kidman, Cam Gigandet
Storyline: Kyle and Sarah Miller have it all: a huge gated house on the water, fancy cars, and the potential for romance in their relationship. He’s just back from a business trip (he brokers diamonds) and their teen daughter Avery is sneaking out to a party, when four thugs in security uniforms and ski masks stage a home invasion. They want what’s in the safe: cash and diamonds. Kyle stalls them, trying to negotiate for Sarah’s freedom. Over the next few hours, the back stories of the four robbers (two brothers, a girlfriend, and the representative of a local drug kingpin) as well as the fault lines in Kyle and Sarah’s marriage come into play. Is there room here for heroism?
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