Vanilla Sky (2001) Dual Audio Free Download 480p 200MB
Vanilla Sky (2001) Dual Audio Free Download 480p 200MB
Storyline: Incarcerated and charged with murder, David Ames Jr. is telling the story of how he got to where he is to McCabe, the police psychologist। That story includes: being the 51% shareholder of a major publishing firm, which he inherited from his long deceased parents; the firm’s board, appointed by David Ames Sr., being the 49% shareholders who would probably like to see him gone as they see him as being too irresponsible and immature to run the company; his best brother friendship with author, Brian Shelby; his “friends with benefits” relationship with Julie Gianni, who saw their relationship in a slightly different light; his budding romance with Sofia Serrano, who Brian brought to David’s party as his own date and who Brian saw as his own possible life mate; and being in an accident which disfigured his face and killed the person who caused the accident। But as the story proceeds, David is not sure what is real and what is a dream/nightmare as many facets of the story are incompatible to…
Ratings: 6.9/10
Directed by: Cameron Crowe
Released On: 14 December 2001
Genre(s): Fantasy | Mystery | Romance
Star Cast: Tom Cruise, Penélope Cruz, Cameron Diaz
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